Justice & Peace

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Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm (please call to schedule an appointment)
Location: Catholic Charities’ Main Office, 215 E Church St, Elmira, NY
Contact: Kathy at 607.734.9784, x2135

We collaborate with Catholic parishes, schools, and organizations, as well as community partners, to advocate for the poor and vulnerable and for national and global justice and peace in the public policy arena.

Our Mission is to foster a culture of life and love by addressing a wide spectrum of issues (local, state, national, and global) touching human life, human dignity, and human rights.

This mission is accomplished in three primary ways:

  • Advocating for public policy by analyzing and assessing current issues from the perspective of social Catholic teaching, and being a voice for the most vulnerable and needy in our society;
  • Identifying areas of concern within our local communities and convening partnerships that work together to address those concerns;
  • Providing leadership development, training, and support to area social ministries as they work on local, regional, and global missions.

ADVOCACY ALERTS – Click for more information

Read the latest edition of our Justice and Peace Newsletter

FAIRTRADE builds the right relationships between buyers and sellers that are rooted in the principles of human dignity and solidarity.


  • Respects human dignity
  • Empowers disadvantaged people
  • Promotes the common good
  • Cultivates global solidarity
  • Advances economic justice
  • Connects us with the people who create the things we buy

To order online, visit Catholic Relief Services.

Key Principles of Catholic Social Teaching