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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from Catholic Charities

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More than 2,000 years ago, a carpenter and his expectant wife set out from Nazareth on the perilous journey across the Galilean highlands to the city of Bethlehem. For days, they navigated nearly one hundred miles of arduous terrain. When they finally arrived in Bethlehem, weathered and weary, they learned there was no room at the inn. Yet shelter of a stable was offered, and from these humble beginnings, our Savior was born.

Little is written of that journey in Scripture. The Gospels are sparse in detail, written originally for an audience that would’ve empathized with how grueling this trip would be for anyone, let alone a woman expecting imminent childbirth. And with the context of hindsight, we often overlook a key component of the innkeeper’s generosity: he had no idea to whom he was giving respite. For the innkeeper, the Holy Family were just a few more weary travelers among the masses.

This act of compassion was offered to these strangers not because of who they were, but because they desperately needed the help. He could’ve easily told them, “move along, we’re full”, but instead he extended a hand in service.

It is this same spirit of generosity that resides at the heart of our mission. Through our services, Catholic Charities of Chemung and Schuyler Counties provides relief to those suffering from hunger, homelessness, poverty, and those requiring advocacy. Working within our communities, we provide services to people of all faiths and are blessed with generous support from donors of all faiths. Through its programs and services, our agency continues to meet critical needs in our community.

Click here to read some highlights of 2021.

These services carry on in the compassionate tradition of charity exemplified by that innkeeper in Bethlehem so long ago.

I am very proud of what we have accomplished this year, thanks to the generosity of our community. I am proud, too, of all our staff, especially our heroic front-line workers, for embodying God’s call to compassion for those in need. The birth of our Savior brought to this world the hope of God’s promise fulfilled. It is in this spirit of His mercy that we strive to meet the needs of others.

For many of us, this year has been another challenging one. Like those travelers from Galilee, we’re navigating our way through unfamiliar terrain as best we can, a step at a time. It is my hope that those persisting through difficult times will find kindness at the end of the road, and that we will all do our part to see one another through.

Our Christmas Appeal has raised $32,606 to date, providing critical services like food, shelter, and personal care products to those in need. It’s not too late to join us in 2021! Click here to donate now. Your support is appreciated.

In Christ’s Peace,
Nancy Koons
Executive Director

Local Domestic Violence Awareness Events

Virtual Training 2021

Catholic Charities, The Salvation Army Safehouse, the City of Elmira Police Department’s Victim Services Program, the Schuyler County District Attorney’s Office, and The Net are partnering together to host a virtual training event via Zoom. The free training will be held on October 22 from 10 am – 11:30 am.

“Bail & Discovery Reforms” will be moderated by the Pace Women’s Justice Center. This training will feature a panel of local law enforcement, domestic violence survivors, and victim services professionals. Learn how these reforms have impacted survivors and the agencies that work with them. Visit Catholic Charities’ website ( and click on the Events tab to register.

The Shine the Light Committee, comprised of victim service providers and concerned community members, is also challenging local businesses, organizations, churches, and individuals to help “Shine the Light” on domestic violence by displaying purple ribbons or using purple lights wherever they can during the month of October.

Ashley Kerrick, Schuyler County Director, explains the campaign, “Purple ribbons have become a way to show support for victims of domestic violence throughout our communities. It also shows our dedication to ending domestic violence and that it will not be tolerated in our community.”

“Shine the Light on Domestic Violence” yard signs are also available and can be picked up from the Catholic Charities offices during regular business hours (Monday – Friday from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm). Please call 607-734-9784 to arrange pick up.

Lastly, the Safe to Say Campaign , which started in 2020, is a partnership with local businesses and organizations to offer a place where it’s safe for victims to go to say what has happened so that they can get help concerning relationships and domestic violence. Trainings were offered at multiple locations in 2020. The idea originated with the realization that many victims of domestic violence have no one to talk to and/or no one who knows what resources are available to help them. If something were to come up in conversation at a hair salon, for example, would the stylist know where to refer? This campaign seeks to ensure that they would and provides them with the right resources. If your business or location is interested in becoming a Safe to Say location, please sign up under the Events tab at

For more information, contact Katie Rhodes, Communications Coordinator at Catholic Charities at 607.734.9784, ext. 2133 or visit the Catholic Charities’ website ( or Facebook page.

Catholic Charities Update on Services

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As I reflect on the past year and a half, I find myself in awe of the incredible staff, donors, and volunteers that have worked so hard to manifest our mission. This organization is blessed to count on a deep well of human talent and an abundance of gracious supporters.

I wanted to give you an update on what we’ve accomplished together so far this year:

  • We’ve raised $21,364 in our Spring Appeal benefiting Emergency Services,
  • We’ve provided 16,153 meals for the hungry at our Community Kitchen,
  • We’ve kept 307 people housed through our Shelter Services,
  • We’ve provided vital services for 1,251 people that visited our Samaritan Center, and 567 individuals with support from our Schuyler Outreach.

These aren’t just numbers on a page. They are families and individuals that have found help because of you. Because of your hard work and sacrifice, a parent will have the formula for their baby and never have to wonder whether their children will have to sleep outside tonight.

As we recognize the resilience of all our nation’s front-line workers, I feel a special pride in the selflessness and dedication shown by our staff. Thanks to our heroic front-line staff, our work never ceased, even during the peak of the pandemic. Poverty in our community never went on “pause,” and neither did our fight against it.

Despite unprecedented challenges, in 2020 we:

  • Provided critical assistance, including pantry services, hygiene items, diapers and formula, and housing assistance to over 3,600 people at the Samaritan Center.
  • Housed 600 people in our Second Place East Homeless Shelter.
  • Supported over 2,600 people with food and hygiene items at our Schuyler Outreach.

I had hoped that I would be seeing you soon, in person, at our Annual Gala which had been planned for September 24th. However, the event was canceled for the sake of everyone’s safety. We continue, optimistically, to make plans for next year’s events and will share those details when plans are firm.

We continue optimistically to make plans for next year’s events and will share that information with you when plans are firm. We plan to host our annual Empty Bowls luncheon in the Spring of 2022.  As a Spring event, Empty Bowls will align with Lenten themes of fasting and focusing on the needs of others and serve as an opportunity for our wider community to manifest charitable almsgiving in the spirit of Lent.

Though the goals seem lofty, our mission to reduce poverty, promote wellness and self-sufficiency, and advocate for social justice – truly is possible. No challenge is insurmountable when we work together as a community.

Please, remember in prayer our heroic staff and all those we serve. May God bless you and your loved ones with good health and safety.

Nancy J. Koons

Catholic Charities Housing Counselor Receives HUD Certification

Karen Wheeler 2021

Karen Wheeler 2021

Catholic Charities Housing Counselor has successfully completed the certification examination administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Effective June 22, 2021, Karen Wheeler is a Certified HUD Housing Counselor ensuring that Catholic Charities can continue providing housing counseling to those in Chemung, Schuyler, Tompkins, and Tioga Counties.

Counselors must demonstrate competency in each of the following areas of housing counseling: (1) financial management; (2) property maintenance; (3) responsibilities of homeownership and tenancy; (4) fair housing laws and requirements; (5) housing affordability; and (6) avoidance of, and responses to, rental and mortgage delinquency and avoidance of eviction and mortgage default.

HUD-certified counselors also help to protect consumers from fraudulent operators who prey upon those experiencing mortgage difficulties. Even legitimate for-profit housing counselors can charge consumers hundreds of dollars for services that are provided free or at low-cost by HUD-approved counselors.

Independent research shows that consumers working with a HUD housing counseling agency, such as Catholic Charities, have better credit, more savings, and fewer foreclosures than similar non-counseled consumers.

Anyone in need of housing counseling may call Catholic Charities at 607-734-9784 and ask to speak with Karen.

HUD’s mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. More information about HUD and its programs is available on at

Catholic Charities Temporarily Suspends Overnight Stays at Shelter Location

Shelter w new roof 2019

Shelter w new roof 2019

Effective immediately, Catholic Charities of Chemung/Schuyler is temporarily suspending overnight stays at its College Ave Homeless Shelter due to staffing shortages. They will continue their collaborative effort with Chemung County to ensure shelter is provided through local motels.

Providing shelter for those experiencing homelessness continues to be a priority for Catholic Charities. Nancy Koons, Executive Director, stated, “As entities across the country are dealing with staffing shortages, we at Catholic Charities are also unfortunately short-staffed. Many of our incredible staff have been working an extraordinary amount of additional hours, stepping up to fill in scheduling gaps. However, we have to be good stewards of our valuable staffing resources and realize this cannot be a long-term solution. We are doing our due diligence to hire qualified staff and train them for these critical roles.”

Anyone in need of shelter may call Catholic Charities’ Samaritan Center at 607-734-4898 or come to the Samaritan Center at 380 S Main Street in Elmira between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday – Friday. For emergency shelter needs after-hours, they may still go to 605 College Avenue in Elmira or call 607-732-5954.

If you are interested in employment at Catholic Charities, please click here for a list of employment opportunities.

Motel-friendly foods such as single-serve soup/cereal, fruit cups, granola bars, and breakfast sandwiches are needed. Personal care items are also greatly appreciated. Donations may be dropped off at the Samaritan Center during regular business hours. You may click “Give Help” to see a wish list of needed items.

Catholic Charities’ Annual Board Meeting Elects New Members

Board Members 2021 new for web

Board Members 2021 new for web

Following their Annual Meeting, Catholic Charities of Chemung/Schuyler is pleased to announce its Board of Directors for 2021.

“As our Board of Directors plans for the future of Catholic Charities, I am pleased to welcome these men and women to our governance team. I look forward to what they will bring to the table as we work toward a just and poverty-free community,” said Greg Stewart, Chair of the Board.

Elected for their first term are:
Carol Brady, Coordinator for the Notre Dame Athletic Association;
Aimee Churchill, Attorney;
George Maloney, Retired Owner of Pal’s Sports Center;
Jeffrey Schmidt, Patent Attorney at Corning Incorporated;
Gordon Schuehler, CPA at Mengel Metzger Barr & Co. LLP and
Doris Smith, Registered Nurse, and Owner of Sarah’s Majestic Gifts, LLC.

Additionally, the officers of the 2021 Board are:
Gregory Stewart, Chair and Owner of Stewart Agency, Inc. and
Stewart Advisory Services;
Ron Allison, Vice-Chair and retired from Chemung Canal Trust Company;
Bruce Boughton, Treasurer and Branch Manager for Chemung Canal
Trust Company;
Jeffry Sobkowski, Secretary and retired from Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield.

The following members were elected to continue their terms on the Board:
Kurt Bartenstein, Regional Business Development Manager, Empower Federal
Credit Union;
Rev. Dr. Betsey Crimmins, Retired, First Presbyterian Church;
Jeff Richards, Retired, Elmira Star-Gazette;
James Siconolfi, Retired, Elmira College;
Dawn Siglin, Mortgage Sales Manager, Elmira Savings Bank;
Clare van den Blink, Chief Information Officer, The Hilliard Corporation; and Mary Vosburgh, Vice President of Nursing, Arnot Health.

Nancy Koons, Executive Director of Catholic Charities stated, “The mission and the work of Catholic Charities in the communities of Chemung and Schuyler Counties continues, uninterrupted, throughout the pandemic; likewise, the wisdom, leadership and support of the Board has been unwavering. We are thrilled to welcome our new Board Members on this ongoing journey of working to reduce poverty, promote wellness and self-sufficiency, and advocate for those in need.”

Catholic Charities Conducts Point-In-Time Study

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PIT Study 2016 1 768×422

Catholic Charities of Chemung and Schuyler will be conducting interviews with the public to measure homelessness in our community. The interviews will be focused on where individuals slept during one specific “point-in-time,” Thursday, January 28, 2021.
This Point-In-Time Study (PIT) will be conducted in a five-county region and is part of US Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) funding and in partnership with CARES, Inc.

A Point-In-Time Study is a coordinated effort within a specific region to count the number of people experiencing homelessness during a specific one-day point in time. HUD requests this information to better understand and address homelessness at a national level. Because of this PIT Study, federal funds could be used to address homeless issues specifically within our region. Therefore, Catholic Charities’ funding is directly tied to the completion of this study.

Ashley Kerrick, Schuyler Director states, “In these unprecedented times that COVID-19 has created, it has become increasingly more important to draw attention to the funding needs of our communities to ensure service availability for our most vulnerable neighbors.”

Catholic Charities’ Staff will be conducting interviews utilizing the help of community organizations and local food pantries. If you think you know where individuals are staying who might be homeless, please call 607-425-1043 and leave a message with the location.

In 2020, there were 706 individuals who experienced homelessness and received services in Chemung and Schuyler Counties (42 of those individuals were under 18 years old).

For community members interested in helping, Catholic Charities is specifically in need of grocery gift cards. Donations may be mailed in or brought to Catholic Charities’ Samaritan Center (380 S Main St, Elmira, NY), Monday-Friday from 8:30am—4:30pm or The Schuyler Outreach Food Pantry (112 10th St, Watkins Glen, NY) Tuesday & Friday: 9am—2pm, Thursday: Noon—4pm.

City of Elmira Department of Community Development to obtain public input on Neighborhood Housing

The City of Elmira’s Department of Community Development is in the process of developing a grant application to address housing displacement and homelessness. The Department is seeking input from neighborhood residents who are have faced or are dealing with housing challenges.

In partnership with Catholic Charities of Chemung and Schuyler; Chemung County Department of Social Services, the Economic Opportunity Program, Inc; and Legal Assistance of Western New York, community input will be solicited on housing challenges within the City of Elmira. The target audience is persons who have personally faced housing challenges.

A community needs survey can be accessed by going to and completing it online or contacting the Department of Community Development at 737-5691 for a hard copy of the survey. Survey responses will be collected from September 11, 2020, to September 28, 2020.