Category Archives: Uncategorized

Catholic Charities Conducts Unsheltered Count

PIT Study 2016 1

PIT Study 2016 1

Catholic Charities of Chemung and Schuyler will be conducting interviews with the public to measure homelessness in our community. The interviews will be focused on where individuals slept during one specific “point-in-time,” Wednesday, January 25, 2023.

This Point-In-Time Study (PIT) will be conducted in a five-county region and is part of US Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) funding and in partnership with CARES, Inc.

A Point-In-Time Study is a coordinated effort within a specific region to count the number of people experiencing homelessness during a specific one-day point in time. HUD requests this information to better understand and address homelessness at a national level. Because of this PIT Study, federal funds could be used to address homeless issues specifically within our region. Therefore, Catholic Charities’ funding is directly tied to the completion of this study.

Suzi Fritz, Director of Emergency Services states, “Since the impact of COVID-19, it has become increasingly more important to draw attention to the funding needs of our communities to ensure service availability for our most vulnerable neighbors.”

Catholic Charities’ Staff will be conducting interviews utilizing the help
of community organizations and local food pantries. If you think you
know where individuals are staying who might be homeless, please call
607-317-5640 and leave a message with the location.

In 2022, there were 1,144 distinct individuals who experienced homelessness and received services in Chemung County (229 individuals were under the age of 18).

For community members interested in helping, Catholic Charities is specifically in need of grocery gift cards and bus tokens. Donations may be mailed in or brought to Catholic Charities’ Samaritan Center (380 S Main St, Elmira, NY), Monday-Friday from 8:30 am—4:30 pm or The Schuyler Outreach Food Pantry (112 10th St, Watkins Glen, NY) Tuesday & Friday: 9 am—2 pm, Thursday: Noon—4 pm.

Human Trafficking Prevention Training

graphic for HT Prev Month 1

January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month and our local Safe Harbour Programs are asking for your help recognizing human trafficking in our local community.

Human trafficking is a crime involving the exploitation of someone for the purposes of compelled labor or a commercial sex act through the use of force, fraud, or coercion. Human trafficking affects individuals across the world, including here in the United States, and is commonly regarded as one of the most pressing human rights issues of our time. Human trafficking affects every community in the United States across age, gender, ethnicity, and socio-economic backgrounds.

Locally, Catholic Charities, in partnership with the Schuyler County Youth Bureau, operates the Runaway and Homeless Youth Program and the Safe Harbour Program serving anyone 10-24 years old who has run away, is at risk of running away or has been a victim of human trafficking. The local 24-hour hotline can be reached by calling or texting 607-742-9629 at any time. A website with resources and help can be found at

In Chemung County, the Safe Harbour program is offered through a partnership between the New York State Office of Children and Family Services and Chemung County. Safe Harbour works to address human trafficking by providing education and services to youth at risk of becoming victims, or those who have been confirmed to be victims, of exploitation. There is a concentrated effort to increase community awareness on what human trafficking looks like in our local community, how to identify potential victims, and how to prevent youth from being exploited. Call or text 607-481-3963 or email [email protected] if you have questions or concerns about any youth, up to 18 years of age.

The two Safe Harbour Programs have partnered to bring a free, in-person event to the community and local service providers during January:

  • Forum on Human Trafficking – Arnot Mall Event Center – 1/25/23 – 6:00 pm
    • Join us to hear Andy Stowers Forest & Melanie Puorto Conte from HEAL Trafficking Speakers’ Bureau as they share their expertise.
    • A panel of local experts will close out the evening with time for Q&A.
    • A light meal (subs, wraps, chips) will be available at no cost.
    • Register online by 1/20 at noon: or by calling: 607-535-2050
    • Teens welcome!

For more information, please visit the Catholic Charities website at or call 607-535-2050 and speak with Sophie in Schuyler. In Chemung County, call 607-737-5597 and speak with Jillian. If you believe you may have information about a potential trafficking situation, please contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888.

About Catholic Charities of Chemung/Schuyler:
Catholic Charities provides support to individuals and families in our community to help them live a more self-reliant life. They specialize in emergency services and housing support. They currently operate the Safe Harbour Program of Schuyler County, in partnership with the Schuyler County Youth Bureau. For more information on services, please visit or call 607-734-9784.

Speakers provided by HEAL Trafficking. HEAL Trafficking’s mission is to lead innovative and survivor-informed health solutions to eradicate human trafficking in our communities worldwide. HEAL works with hospitals, health centers and clinics, prehospital care centers, and all other physical and mental health-related venues where trafficked persons receive care. HEAL currently engages with a global network of more than 4,000 healthcare workers and other multidisciplinary professionals, including survivors of human trafficking, in 45 countries.

Andy Stowers Forest, Doctoral Candidate in Public Administration. Andy is a researcher and educator whose work focuses on the role of ideological extremism in shaping preferences for the use of force. His work most centrally focuses on assisting others who were victimized or trafficked by cults.

Melanie Puorto Conte is a professor at the Sage Graduate Schools, School of Health Sciences, Forensic Mental Health Division. She designed and teaches three graduate-level courses including Human Trafficking; Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention; and Grant Writing at Sage. She currently serves as the Schenectady County Safe Harbour Coordinator, advocating for individuals who have been trafficked. She also serves as an advocate for several trafficked young adult women who have aged out of the Safe Harbour Program.

Chemung County Safe Harbour works to address human trafficking by providing education and services to youth at risk of becoming victims, or those who have been confirmed to be victims, of exploitation. For more information, call 607-737-5597 and speak with Jillian Roupp.

National Human Trafficking Prevention Month

graphic for HT Prev Month 1

January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month and our local Safe Harbour Programs are asking for your help recognizing human trafficking in our local community.

Human trafficking is a crime involving the exploitation of someone for the purposes of compelled labor or a commercial sex act through the use of force, fraud, or coercion. Human trafficking affects individuals across the world, including here in the United States, and is commonly regarded as one of the most pressing human rights issues of our time. Human trafficking affects every community in the United States across age, gender, ethnicity, and socio-economic backgrounds.

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day is recognized each year on January 11th. In recognition of this important day, and throughout the month of January, the US Department of Homeland Security’s Blue Campaign hosts several special events and educational activities. Blue Campaign’s largest initiative is #WearBlueDay on January 11th. To raise awareness of human trafficking, they invite the public to take photos of themselves, friends, family, and colleagues wearing blue clothing and share them on social media with their #WearBlueDay hashtag.

Locally, Catholic Charities, in partnership with the Schuyler County Youth Bureau, operates the Runaway and Homeless Youth Program and the Safe Harbour Program serving anyone 10-24 years old who has run away, is at risk of running away or has been a victim of human trafficking. The local 24-hour hotline can be reached by calling or texting 607-742-9629 at any time. A website with resources and help can be found at

In Chemung County, the Safe Harbour program is offered through a partnership between the New York State Office of Children and Family Services and Chemung County. Safe Harbour works to address human trafficking by providing education and services to youth at risk of becoming victims, or those who have been confirmed to be victims, of exploitation. There is a concentrated effort to increase community awareness on what human trafficking looks like in our local community, how to identify potential victims, and how to prevent youth from being exploited. Call or text 607-481-3963 or email if you have questions or concerns about any youth, up to 18 years of age.

The two Safe Harbour Programs have partnered to bring free online and in-person events to the community and local service providers during January:

  1. Rapid Indicator Tool Training – Zoom – 1/19/23 – 10:00 am
  2. Forum on Human Trafficking – Arnot Mall Event Center – 1/25/23 – 6:00 pm

o    Join us to hear Andy Stowers Forest & Melanie Puorto Conte from HEAL Trafficking, Inc. as they share their expertise.
o    A panel of local experts will close out the evening with time for Q&A.
o    A light meal (subs, wraps, chips, drinks) will be available at no cost.
o    Register online or by calling: 607-535-2050
o    Teens welcome!

For more information, please visit the Catholic Charities website at or call 607-535-2050 and speak with Sophie in Schuyler. In Chemung County, call 607-737-5597 and speak with Jillian. If you believe you may have information about a potential trafficking situation, please contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888.

About Catholic Charities of Chemung/Schuyler:
Catholic Charities provides support to individuals and families in our community to help them live a more self-reliant life. They specialize in emergency services and housing support. They currently operate the Safe Harbour Program of Schuyler County, in partnership with the Schuyler County Youth Bureau. For more information on services, please visit or call 607-734-9784.

Speakers provided by HEAL Trafficking. HEAL Trafficking’s mission is to lead innovative and survivor-informed health solutions to eradicate human trafficking in our communities worldwide. HEAL works with hospitals, health centers and clinics, prehospital care centers, and all other physical and mental health-related venues where trafficked persons receive care. HEAL currently engages with a global network of more than 4,000 healthcare workers and other multidisciplinary professionals, including survivors of human trafficking, in 45 countries.

Andy Stowers Forest, Doctoral Candidate in Public Administration. Andy is a researcher and educator whose work focuses on the role of ideological extremism in shaping preferences for the use of force. His work most centrally focuses on assisting others who were victimized or trafficked by cults.

Melanie Puorto Conte is a professor at the Sage Graduate Schools, School of Health Sciences, Forensic Mental Health Division. She designed and teaches three graduate-level courses including Human Trafficking; Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention; and Grant Writing at Sage. She currently serves as the Schenectady County Safe Harbour Coordinator, advocating for individuals who have been trafficked. She also serves as an advocate for several trafficked young adult women who have aged out of the Safe Harbour Program.

Chemung County Safe Harbour works to address human trafficking by providing education and services to youth at risk of becoming victims, or those who have been confirmed to be victims, of exploitation. For more information, call 607-737-5597 and speak with Jillian Roupp.

Local Domestic Violence Awareness Events

Logo Stacked large tagline

Each year in October, advocates, survivors, and supporters recognize October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM).

This fall, Catholic Charities of Chemung and Schuyler Counties is joining the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) and the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PCADV) in their national combined campaign for Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) and GiveForDV.

The goal of these two joint initiatives is to start a coordinated national conversation about domestic violence and how we can all contribute to changing the narrative on this overshadowed, but fundamental topic, building on that conversation to raise awareness, increase donations and volunteer efforts, and deepen community engagement by connecting our work nationwide.

More prevalent than most realize, one in four women and one in seven men will experience domestic violence in their lifetimes. Anyone, regardless of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or socio-economic status, can become a victim of domestic violence. This year’s campaign theme, #Every1KnowsSome1, strives to highlight how common domestic violence is and that it is more than physical violence.

Catholic Charities’ First Step Victim Services Program, in its 25th year of providing services, is asking local businesses, organizations, churches, and individuals to help “Shine the Light” on domestic violence by displaying purple ribbons, yard signs, or purple lights wherever they can during the month of October.

Ashley Kerrick, Schuyler County Director, explains the campaign:  “Purple ribbons have become a way to show support for victims of domestic violence throughout our communities. It also shows our dedication to ending domestic violence and that it will not be tolerated in our community.”

“Shine the Light on Domestic Violence” yard signs are available and can be picked up from the Catholic Charities offices during regular business

hours (Monday – Friday from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm). Please call (607) 734-9784 to arrange pick up.

Throughout October, Catholic Charities and NNEDV will be sharing content on their social media channels to help raise awareness and educate the public on the complex dynamics of domestic violence. A Week of Action is planned for October 17-23, 2022, designed to engage advocates, partners, and the public in starting a national conversation.

There will also be an official GiveForDV Giving Day on October 19. Supporters can get involved by giving through the secure link on Catholic Charities’ social media pages.

Two local events will be held that will be an opportunity to remember those lost to domestic violence and educate ourselves on the reality in our community. Luminaries will be lit to honor those impacted by domestic violence.

  • In Schuyler County, join us on October 20 at SheQuaGa Falls in Montour Falls from 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm.
  • In Chemung County, the event will be held at Wisner Park in Elmira on October 27 from 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm.

Attendees are encouraged to wear purple and visit the Catholic Charities’ table to pick up information on services.

Lastly, the Safe to Say Campaign, which started in 2020, is a partnership with local businesses and organizations to offer victims a safe place where it is “safe to say” what happened so that they can get the help they need. Training has been offered at multiple locations since 2020. The idea originated with the realization that many victims of domestic violence have no one to talk to and/or no one who knows what resources are available to help them. This campaign seeks to ensure places throughout the community can be ready with the right resources. If your business or location is interested in becoming a Safe to Say location, please sign up under the Events tab at

Free and confidential help is available 24/7 for individuals experiencing domestic violence. Those seeking help may contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at or 1-(800) 799-SAFE (800) 799-7233) or our First Step Victim Services Hotline at 607-742-9629 (call or text).

For more information on October’s events, contact Katie Rhodes, Communications Coordinator at Catholic Charities at 607-317-5577 or visit the Catholic Charities’ website ( or Facebook page.

Catholic Charities to Host Fundraising Gala

Gala 2022 Invitation Image

Gala 2022 Invitation Image

After being postponed for two years we are pleased to be able to extend an invitation to our Catholic Charities Annual Fundraiser Gala. This night of candlelight and entertainment will commence at six o’clock in the evening on Saturday, September 24, 2022, at the picturesque Watkins Glen Harbor Hotel.

This elegant and charming event features live music by Nik Lite, a satellite version of the party band Nik and the Nice Guys. There will be delicious hors d’oeuvres, a cash bar, a three-course served dinner with dessert, a 50/50, a complimentary photo, a wine pull, a silent auction, and a very special paddle auction.

It’s an opportunity to get swept away in the magic of the evening while raising vital funds for Catholic Charities of Chemung/Schuyler, your local partner in poverty relief.

Registrations are being taken until Tuesday, September 13th, and a limited number will be sold. There will be no registration at the door on the day of the event. Tickets are $75 per guest and can be obtained here. Please join us for this important fundraiser for Catholic Charities programs in Chemung and Schuyler Counties! Together, we can bring light to those in darkness and make a difference.

Catholic Charities works to ensure that people have food, clothing, shelter, medical services, and the ability to achieve a decent standard of living. For more information on services, please browse our website.

Change in Homeless Services

Catholic Charities Logo

Catholic Charities will continue providing homeless services and sheltering as follows:

•    Samaritan Center, 380 South Main Street, Elmira NY 14904, 607-734-4898,
Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm all homeless shelter intakes, assessments, and placements for shelter housing will be completed at the Samaritan Center.

•   Elmira Police Department, 317 East Church Street, Elmira NY 14901, guests seeking emergency shelter after normal business hours, mentioned above, should be directed to the Elmira Police Department, where a Catholic Charities’ Homeless Intake Support Specialist will determine the guests’ needs and identify appropriate sheltering options.

•   The Catholic Charities emergency shelter phone number will not change, and any providers wishing to speak with a Homeless Intake Support Specialist should call 607-732-5954 during non-business hours, weekends, and holidays.

Collectively, the County and Catholic Charities will be looking to have a new shelter approved before the end of the year. The shelter being considered is a dormitory-style setting. As that is approved, we will keep you informed.

Catholic Charities Hosts Successful Empty Bowls Fundraiser

bowls on table at NDHS

As the largest fundraiser specifically for Catholic Charities’ Emergency Services, this event raises awareness of the effects of poverty and hunger in our communities. Attendees experience a simple lunch of soup and bread in solidarity with those living in poverty. Empty Bowls is unique in the collaboration with local potters to create handmade, commemorative bowls for attendees. There is also a partnership with Barb & Mark McClure, owners of Barb’s Soup’s On in Elmira, to offer guests delicious homemade soup. It was the perfect combination of excellent food, beautiful bowls, and a worthy cause.

The Empty Bowls Campaign was able to raise over $17,000 to serve those in our community who turn to Catholic Charities for support. These funds will provide food and personal hygiene items through two pantries, The Samaritan Center and Schuyler Outreach, and delicious meals through the Elmira Community Kitchen.

Nancy Koons, Catholic Charities’ Executive Director, commented, “During challenges like this pandemic, I am reminded of how we continue to accomplish our mission with the generosity of our community. Together, we offer hope by empowering individuals and families to reach self-sufficiency and bring comfort to those who are alone and in need.”

Father Scott Kubinski, the Pastor of the Parish of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, shared the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching. He encouraged each attendee to use those themes to make a difference in our local communities.

This year’s award was given to the Catholic Charities’ Staff in recognition of their hard work through the COVID-19 pandemic. The work of Catholic Charities never ceased. Staff exhibited creativity and resiliency in meeting the needs of those who required their services. Creative means of to-go meals were employed at the Elmira Community Kitchen. Pre-packed food boxes were available at the pantries. Case Managers made dozens of phone calls each day to monitor mental health and transitioned to outdoor meetings when possible. Domestic violence services and advocacy were provided virtually. School supplies and holiday meals were distributed at outdoor and drive-through events. Nancy commended the Staff for proving they can go above and beyond any barrier that stands in their way.

Special thanks goes out to Notre Dame High School which hosted the event this year. The support of their Staff and Students was greatly appreciated.

Catholic Charities recognizes the potters and their students who contribute handmade bowls each year: Gene Carr, Retired; Corning Community College Students and Fred Herbst; Elmira College Students and Chris Longwell; Elmira High School Students and Susan Pabody; Doug Holtgrewe, Retired; Notre Dame High School Students and Hannah Leeber.

Corporate Sponsors of the event included Saratoga Eagle (formerly Seneca Beverage Corporation); Chemung Canal Trust Company; Elmira Savings Bank, Elmira Structures, The Hilliard Corporation, Wegmans; Gough Holding Corporation, Kennedy Valve, Maguire Chrysler of Watkins Glen, and Visions Federal Credit Union.

Catholic Charities’ Emergency Services provides homeless services, rental assistance, food pantries, free meals, and prescription drug assistance in Chemung and Schuyler Counties. Anyone in need of assistance may call 607-734-9784.

To make a donation to support these services, visit Catholic Charities’ website at If you are interested in volunteering or hosting a supply drive, please contact Katie Rhodes at 607-317-5577 or send a message through the website.

Empty Bowls Presentation at NDHS

Catholic Charities’ Annual Board Meeting Elects New Members

Catholic Charities Logo

Following their Annual Meeting, Catholic Charities of Chemung/Schuyler is pleased to announce its Board of Directors for 2022.
“We are honored to have some new members joining our board this year and for the continued support of current and renewing Members. Catholic Charities does so much good work for people in our community, helping those in need to live a just life.” said Greg Stewart, Board Chair.

Elected for their First Term:
Thomas Tedone, retired Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, New York State

Returning Member for a New Term:
Marie Finnerty, retired from Horseheads School District

Additionally, the Officers of the 2022 Board are:
Gregory Stewart, Chair, Owner of Stewart Agency, Inc. and Stewart Advisory Services;
Jim Siconolfi, Vice-Chair, retired from Elmira College;
Bruce Boughton, Treasurer, Branch Manager for Chemung Canal Trust Company;
Jeffry Sobkowski, Secretary, retired from Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield.

The following members were elected to continue their terms on the Board:
Ron Allison, Retired, Chemung Canal Trust Company
Carol Brady, Coordinator for the Notre Dame Athletic Association;
Aimee Churchill, Attorney;
Rev. Dr. Betsey Crimmins, Retired, First Presbyterian Church;
George Maloney, Retired Owner of Pal’s Sports Center;
Jeff Richards, Retired, Elmira Star-Gazette;
Jeffrey Schmidt, Patent Attorney at Corning Incorporated;
Gordon Schuehler, CPA at Mengel Metzger Barr & Co. LLP;
Dawn Siglin, Mortgage Sales Manager, Elmira Savings Bank;
Doris Smith, Registered Nurse, and Owner of Sarah’s Majestic Gifts, LLC;
Clare van den Blink, Chief Information Officer, The Hilliard Corporation; and Mary Vosburgh, NE Regional Nurse Manager, Corning Incorporated.

Nancy Koons, Executive Director of Catholic Charities stated, “We are thrilled to welcome our new Board Members on this ongoing journey of working to reduce poverty, promote wellness and self-sufficiency, and advocate for those in need. We continue to be grateful for the support of our Board Members, particularly as we navigated our way through recent challenges brought about by the pandemic. We welcome our new members as they join us in this important work.”

Thank you for helping this holiday season


Thanks to the generosity of the community, we were able to distribute 400 Thanksgiving Turkeys and 500 Christmas Food Baskets this holiday season at our Samaritan Center and Schuyler Outreach Food Pantries.

Thank you for your donations!

If you would like to get involved in 2022, please read more here.

Christmas Baskets Collage 121521

Photos from our Samaritan Center event courtesy of Board Member, Jeff Richards.