Author Archives: Katie Rhodes

Empty Bowls Luncheon Fundraiser

Catholic Charities invites you to the 20th Empty Bowls Luncheon being held on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm at Notre Dame High School. As the largest fundraiser for The Samaritan Center, this event is designed to raise awareness of the effects of hunger and poverty in our community. Over the last nineteen years, the Empty Bowls Luncheons have raised over $382,000 toward local poverty relief efforts.
This year’s event is generously sponsored in part by The Hilliard Corporation, Chemung Canal Trust Company, Kennedy Valve, and Visions Federal Credit Union.
Empty Bowls is unique in that it is a collaboration with local potters to create handmade, commemorative bowls for each attendee who donates $50 or more. Catholic Charities has also partnered with Barb & Mark McClure, owners of Barb’s Soup’s On Cafe in Elmira, to offer guests delicious homemade soup. It’s the perfect combination of excellent food, beautiful bowls, and a worthy cause.
Tickets are $50 per person for lunch and a commemorative soup bowl created by a local art student or artisan. Get your tickets today as a limited number will be sold. For more information, contact Catholic Charities at 607-734-9784, or visit the event page.
The Empty Bowls Luncheon will include lunch, a brief presentation, a door prize, a 50/50 raffle, and a beautiful commemorative vase donated by the Corning Museum of Glass.
The Samaritan Center operates a food pantry five days a week. In addition to food, personal hygiene items, diapers, and wipes are also available. The Samaritan Center relies on volunteers to serve guests at the food pantry every day. If you’re interested in volunteering, please visit the Catholic Charities website to sign up.
Empty Bowls Guests in Notre Dame Gym

Empty Bowls Guests in Notre Dame Gym

Chemung County Homeless Shelter open 24/7

  • Code Blue (Warming Station) is activated when the temperature, including wind chill, is 32°F or below.
  • During Code Blue, a Warming Station is opened in the Elmira Community Kitchen dining area at 160 High Street (near St. Joseph’s Hospital).
    • Individuals can get warm between 2 PM and 8 AM in the dining area.
    • Between 8 AM and 2 PM, individuals can stay in the gym.
    • Hot drinks, snacks, dinner, and breakfast are available. Lunch is served at the Elmira Community Kitchen while the shelter closes for cleaning.
  • Individuals staying at the Warming Station do not need to apply for Temporary Assistance benefits, distinguishing it from a homeless shelter where they are required to comply with rules and appointments.
  • The Homeless Shelter is now open 24/7, with security on-site at all times.
    • Shelter residents receive breakfast, dinner, and a snack. Lunch is served at the Elmira Community Kitchen while the shelter closes for cleaning.
    • If someone is unable to comply with the rules, they will be moved to the Warming Station.
    • If the shelter is full, overflow individuals will be housed in motels. (They are NOT sent to the Warming Station.)
  • Staff will assess and contact EPD or Crisis for evaluation if someone appears under the influence or has a mental health/medical issue. Transportation to the hospital via taxi may be offered. If declined, EPD will be contacted to locate and transport them. In case of medical distress, 911 will be called immediately.
  • Due to extreme cold, pets are allowed if they are on a leash, well-behaved and their owner agrees to clean up any mess they might make.
  • Anyone in need of a place to get warm or overnight shelter, should come to 160 High Street to see what their options are. Staff are working with DSS to find housing options for individuals.
    • Staff work with individuals and families to make referrals to services for their unique needs.
    • Family resources and support systems are assessed as alternatives to staying in the shelter/motel. Efforts are made to develop a natural support network.
  • Individuals meet with their case manager and DSS during business hours, 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM, at the Samaritan Center, 380 South Main Street.
  • Individuals are supplied with personal care items and linens when they arrive at the Shelter/Warming Station.
  • Individuals are required to apply and comply with requirements such as substance abuse treatment, employment, housing searches, shelter/motel rules, etc.
  • Transportation to required appointments including case management is given via bus tokens (cabs when necessary).
  • Families are housed at local motels and not placed at the Warming Station or Homeless Shelter. Some individuals may be housed in the motels due to medical conditions or the shelter being full.
  • Food is provided through the Samaritan Center Food Pantry for those in hotels. They also receive meal allowances.
  • The Warming Station / Shelter is operating in partnership with the Chemung County Department of Social Services.
  • The maximum number of people we have had at the Warming Station has been 15 as of January 21, 2025.
  • The Shelter has 47 beds, and they have not been full since opening. If the Shelter is full, individuals will be placed in local motels, not the Warming Station.
  • DSS Staff and Catholic Charities’ Staff are working to prevent homelessness by attending eviction court twice a week and working with landlords.
  • There are more case managers now to help assist with intensive case management for individuals and families.
  • No staff are on site at the Elmira Police Department since the Shelter is available 24/7.
  • Contact our Shelter Staff 24/7: 607-732-5954
  • During business hours, call the Samaritan Center: 607-734-4898
  • Donations of hats, gloves, personal hygiene items, and blankets are being accepted at our Samaritan Center (380 S Main St). Anyone donating items should use the back door, Monday – Friday, between 8:30 am and 4:00 pm.
  • If you are interested in helping, please sign up to volunteer to serve dinner at the Shelter or find other volunteer opportunities with Catholic Charities. Sign up here.
  • You can also see our complete list of needed donations here.

Catholic Charities Conducts Point-In-Time Study

Catholic Charities' Homeless Shelter

Catholic Charities’ Homeless Shelter

Catholic Charities of Chemung and Schuyler will be conducting interviews with the public to measure homelessness in our community. The interviews will be focused on where individuals slept during one specific “point-in-time,” Thursday, January 23, 2025.
This Point-In-Time Study (PIT) will be conducted in a five-county region and is part of US Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) funding and in partnership with CARES, Inc.

A Point-In-Time Study is a coordinated effort within a specific region to count the number of people experiencing homelessness during a specific one-day point in time. HUD requests this information to better understand and address homelessness at a national level. Because of this PIT Study, federal funds could be used to address homeless issues specifically within our region. Therefore, Catholic Charities’ funding is directly tied to the completion of this study.

Suzi Fritz, Director of Emergency Services states, “It is important to draw attention to the funding needs of our communities to ensure service availability for our most vulnerable neighbors.”

Catholic Charities’ Staff will be conducting interviews in Chemung and Schuyler Counties utilizing the help of community organizations and local food pantries. If you think you know where individuals are staying who might be homeless, please call 607-317-5759 and leave a message with the location.

In 2024, there were 1,638 distinct individuals who experienced homelessness and received services in Chemung County (331 individuals were under the age of 18). In Schuyler County, 77 individuals experiencing homelessness received services.

Catholic Charities, in partnership with the Department of Social Services, is operating the Warming Station and the Homeless Shelter at 160 High Street in Elmira, NY. Anyone in need of shelter or a place to get warm is welcome to come to the Homeless Shelter 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Individuals can meet with staff to find out what options are available for them. Meals and coffee are provided as well as warm clothing, hats and gloves as needed. Anyone in need of the Warming Station is able to come inside without the need to complete paperwork.

For community members interested in helping, Catholic Charities is specifically in need of grocery gift cards, personal hygiene items, hats, gloves, hand/feet warmers, and bus tokens.

Donations of items may be sent to Catholic Charities’ Samaritan Center (380 S Main St, Elmira, NY), Monday-Friday from 8:30 am—4:00 pm or The Schuyler Outreach Food Pantry (112 10th St, Watkins Glen, NY) Tuesday & Friday: 9 am—2 pm, Thursday: Noon—4 pm. Monetary donations may be made online at (designate Homeless Services) or you may mail a check to 215 East Church Street, Elmira, NY 14901.

Successful Gala Fundraiser

As the largest Catholic Charities fundraiser, the Gala raises money to support those in need in our communities. Guests enjoyed a live auction, silent auction, and raffle baskets donated by local wineries, businesses, and Catholic Charities Board Members.

The Annual Fundraising Gala raised over $53,000 to serve those in our community who turn to Catholic Charities for support. These funds will provide delicious meals at the Elmira Community Kitchen, hygiene supplies at our homeless shelter, and food at our pantries.

Katie Rhodes, Marketing and Development Director of Catholic Charities, commented, “Events like the Gala highlight how our community’s generosity helps us fulfill our mission. Together, we provide hope by empowering individuals and families to achieve self-sufficiency as well as offer hope to those who are in need.”

An overview of Catholic Charities programs was shared, along with a Fund-the-Kitchen Paddle Raise which raised $16,500 specifically for the Elmira Community Kitchen.

The success of the Gala is attributed to the following community-minded individuals & businesses: Jan and Clare van de Blink, The Hilliard Corporation; Steve and Karen Hale, Hale Contracting; Scott Heffner, Chemung Canal Trust Company; Marc Stemerman, Chemung Supply Corporation; Eaton; Kirk Vieselmeyer, Elmira Structures, Inc.; Thomas Gough, Gough Holding Corporation; NYSEG; John and Lisa O’Connor, O’Connor Heating and Plumbing; Wegmans Food Markets; Kurt Bartenstein, Dr. John Carozza, Thomas Curren, and the staff at the Elmira Country Club.

If you were unable to attend the Gala, but would still like to contribute, you may donate online or mail a check to 215 East Church Street, Elmira, NY 14901. If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up online.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Each year in October, advocates, survivors, and supporters recognize October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM).

This fall, Catholic Charities of Chemung and Schuyler Counties is joining the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) and the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PCADV) in their national combined campaign for Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) and GiveForDV.

The goal of these two joint initiatives is to start a coordinated national conversation about domestic violence and how we can all contribute to changing the narrative on this overshadowed, but fundamental topic, building on that conversation to raise awareness, increase donations and volunteer efforts, and deepen community engagement by connecting our work nationwide.

More prevalent than most realize, 1 in 4 women (24.3%) and 1 in 7 men (13.8%) aged 18 and older in the US have been the victim of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime. Anyone, regardless of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or socio-economic status, can become a victim of domestic violence. This year’s campaign theme, #Every1KnowsSome1, strives to highlight how common domestic violence is and that it is more than physical violence.

Catholic Charities’ First Step Victim Services Program is asking local businesses, organizations, churches, and individuals to help “Shine the Light” on domestic violence by displaying purple ribbons, yard signs, or purple lights wherever they can during the month of October.

Ashley Kerrick, Schuyler County Director, explains the campaign:  “Purple ribbons have become a way to show support for victims of domestic violence throughout our communities. It also shows our dedication to ending domestic violence and that it will not be tolerated in our community.”

“Shine the Light on Domestic Violence” yard signs are available and can be picked up from the Catholic Charities offices during regular business hours (Monday – Friday from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm). Please call (607) 734-9784 to arrange pick up.

Throughout October, Catholic Charities and NNEDV will be sharing content on their social media channels to help raise awareness and educate the public on the complex dynamics of domestic violence.

Two local events will be held that will be an opportunity to remember those lost to domestic violence and honor those who have survived domestic violence and those currently suffering in our community.

  • In Schuyler County, join us on October 10 in LaFayette Park in Watkins Glen from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm.
  • In Chemung County, the event will be held at Wisner Park in Elmira on October 17 from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm.

Attendees are encouraged to wear purple and visit the Catholic Charities’ table to pick up information on services.

Lastly, the Safe to Say Campaign, which started in 2020, is a partnership with local businesses and organizations to offer victims a safe place where it is “safe to say” what happened so that they can get the help they need. Training has been offered at multiple locations since 2020. The idea originated with the realization that many victims of domestic violence have no one to talk to and/or no one who knows what resources are available to help them. This campaign seeks to ensure places throughout the community can be ready with the right resources. If your business or location is interested in becoming a Safe to Say location, please sign up.

Free and confidential help is available 24/7 for individuals experiencing domestic violence. Those seeking help may contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at or 1-(800) 799-SAFE (800) 799-7233) or our First Step Victim Services Hotline at 607-742-9629 (call or text).

For more information on October’s events, contact Katie Rhodes, Marketing and Development Director at Catholic Charities at 607-317-5577 or visit the event page or Facebook page.

Community School Supply Drive 2024

Catholic Charities is requesting your help preparing local kids for a successful school year. From now until August 14, area businesses and Catholic Charities will be collecting new school supplies.

The following businesses have partnered with Catholic Charities and Strong Kids Safe Kids to offer drop-off locations in Chemung County:

  • Chapel Park
  • Chemung County Library District (Big Flats, Horseheads, Steele Memorial, West Elmira locations)
  • Cornell Cooperative Extension
  • Corning Community College – Elmira Campus
  • Department of Aging
  • Panosian’s Famous Shoes
  • Parmenter Tire, Auto & Truck Service – Horseheads
  • The Purple Iris Boutique, Horseheads
  • Tranquility Beauty Shop
  • Treu Office Supply & Furniture, Elmira

The following businesses have partnered with Catholic Charities to offer locations in Schuyler County:

  • Chemung Canal Trust Company – Montour Falls & Watkins Glen
  • Famous Brands
  • Parmenter Tire, Auto & Truck Service – Odessa & Montour Falls
  • Quinlan’s Pharmacy, Montour Falls
  • The Hi-Lites
  • Visions Federal Credit Union
  • Watkins Glen Area Chamber of Commerce,Downtown Visitor Center at 214 N. Franklin, Watkins Glen: open every day, 9:00 am – 7:00 pm
  • Watkins Glen Public Library

Donations will also be accepted at the Catholic Charities Main Office (215 E Church St, Elmira): Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm and at the Schuyler Outreach Food Pantry (112 10th St, Watkins Glen): Tuesday and Friday, 9 am – 2 pm, Thursday, Noon – 4 pm.

“We are deeply appreciative of the partnership of our local businesses who make the Back to School Drive a success every year,” stated Nancy Koons, Executive Director for Catholic Charities. “It’s truly a community effort to help hundreds of children in Chemung and Schuyler Counties.”

In Schuyler County, backpacks will be distributed through the Schuyler Outreach Food Pantry on August 27th and 29th. Pre-registration is required by noon on August 23 for backpacks and school supply starter kits. Registration will be available at starting August 1st.

In Chemung County, Catholic Charities has partnered with Strong Kids Safe Kids to distribute backpacks and school supply starter kits at the Annual Strong Kids Safe Kids event on August 24 from 11 am – 2 pm at the Chemung County Fairgrounds. No registration is required. New backpacks will be available for students in kindergarten to 6th grade.

For a complete list of needed items and additional ways to donate, please visit Catholic Charities’ website (, email Katie Rhodes at [email protected], or call 607-734-9784.

About Catholic Charities of Chemung/Schuyler:
Catholic Charities provides support to individuals and families in our community to help them live a more self-reliant life. They specialize in emergency services and housing support. For more information on services, please visit or call

 About Strong Kids Safe Kids:
Strong Kids Safe Kids of Chemung County is a mission-based, all-volunteer, non-profit 501c3 organization focused on building strong, safe, and healthy families by providing information about helpful community services while engaging children and their families in fun, educational activities.

Back to School Drive 2024 Schuyler Locations Drop off Here Back to School Drive 2024 Chemung Drive

Domestic Violence Awareness with Pioneers

DVA Night with Pios 2024 (4 × 5 in)In collaboration with the Elmira Pioneers, Catholic Charities is inviting the community to come out to Dunn Field on July 13th for an enjoyable evening of baseball, while Catholic Charities brings to light how our community can become aware of and combat domestic violence.

Families in every community in the United States across age, gender, ethnicity, and socio-economic backgrounds are impacted by domestic violence. In Chemung and Schuyler Counties, Catholic Charities’ First Step Victim Services Program assists innocent victims of crime, with a strong focus on victims of domestic violence. In 2023, First Step served almost 200 individuals with over 4,088 services. First Step’s local 24-hour hotline can be reached by calling or texting 607-742-9629 at any time.

At the Pioneers game on July 13th , attendees are encouraged to wear purple, the color of domestic violence awareness. There will be purple shirts for sale, as well as a jersey raffle and 50/50. All proceeds will help the First Step program continue to provide needed services to victims in our community. Call 607-734-2690 for your tickets. The game starts at 6:35 pm with gates opening at 5:35 pm. There will be a photo booth station and giveaways for the whole family.

For more information on First Step, please visit their page or call 607-535-2050 and speak with an Advocate.