Catholic Charities Update on Services

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As I reflect on the past year and a half, I find myself in awe of the incredible staff, donors, and volunteers that have worked so hard to manifest our mission. This organization is blessed to count on a deep well of human talent and an abundance of gracious supporters.

I wanted to give you an update on what we’ve accomplished together so far this year:

  • We’ve raised $21,364 in our Spring Appeal benefiting Emergency Services,
  • We’ve provided 16,153 meals for the hungry at our Community Kitchen,
  • We’ve kept 307 people housed through our Shelter Services,
  • We’ve provided vital services for 1,251 people that visited our Samaritan Center, and 567 individuals with support from our Schuyler Outreach.

These aren’t just numbers on a page. They are families and individuals that have found help because of you. Because of your hard work and sacrifice, a parent will have the formula for their baby and never have to wonder whether their children will have to sleep outside tonight.

As we recognize the resilience of all our nation’s front-line workers, I feel a special pride in the selflessness and dedication shown by our staff. Thanks to our heroic front-line staff, our work never ceased, even during the peak of the pandemic. Poverty in our community never went on “pause,” and neither did our fight against it.

Despite unprecedented challenges, in 2020 we:

  • Provided critical assistance, including pantry services, hygiene items, diapers and formula, and housing assistance to over 3,600 people at the Samaritan Center.
  • Housed 600 people in our Second Place East Homeless Shelter.
  • Supported over 2,600 people with food and hygiene items at our Schuyler Outreach.

I had hoped that I would be seeing you soon, in person, at our Annual Gala which had been planned for September 24th. However, the event was canceled for the sake of everyone’s safety. We continue, optimistically, to make plans for next year’s events and will share those details when plans are firm.

We continue optimistically to make plans for next year’s events and will share that information with you when plans are firm. We plan to host our annual Empty Bowls luncheon in the Spring of 2022.  As a Spring event, Empty Bowls will align with Lenten themes of fasting and focusing on the needs of others and serve as an opportunity for our wider community to manifest charitable almsgiving in the spirit of Lent.

Though the goals seem lofty, our mission to reduce poverty, promote wellness and self-sufficiency, and advocate for social justice – truly is possible. No challenge is insurmountable when we work together as a community.

Please, remember in prayer our heroic staff and all those we serve. May God bless you and your loved ones with good health and safety.

Nancy J. Koons